This book presents the most important parakeets and parrots and gives all necessary information about keeping these interesting birds: What are parrots like? How to identify them? Whats their natural habitat and behaviour? How should I keep them, whats the right nutrition? What can I do to keep them healthy and happy? The book includes also portraits about the parrot genera Loris, Cockatoos, Grass Parakeets, Nobel Parakeets, Lovebirds, Macaws and Parrotlets.
Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Dieter Hoppe, Esslingen, ist begeisterter Ornithologe und züchtete viele Jahre Papageien. Er bereist seit Jahren die Ursprungsländer und erforscht die Papageien in ihren Lebensräumen.