documenta fifteen Majalah lumbung
eBook - Ein Magazin über Ernten und Teilen
Ruangrupa/fifteen, documenta/Totona, Abdullah et al
Erschienen am
18.07.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
As part of documenta fifteen, ruangrupa in Indonesia is publishing two issues of a magazine, majalah that hones in on the core idea of the exhibition collective working. The lumbung component in the title refers to the communal rice barn where Indonesian farmers store surplus crops to share. The two issues, Harvesting and Sharing, will be published together in one volume to accompany the exhibition. With short stories and features by leading journalists, researchers, and writers from Indonesia, majalahlumbung touches on topics such as cosmology or architecture, food or eating together, thereby forming a foundation for the content featured at documenta fifteen. The individual contributions are conveyed through numerous illustrations and an attractive layout in magazine quality.
CoverTitel / TitleInhalt / ContentsVorwort der Herausgeber*innen: lumbung lebt und verbindet / Editor's Introduction: lumbung Connect and InterconnectEin Magazin über das Ernten / A magazine about harvestingEin Magazin über das Teilen / A magazine about sharingBiografien / BiographiesImpressum / Colophon
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