Bachelor Thesis from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - Basics and General, grade: B+, , language: English, abstract: The purpose of the study was to establish the ways in which this said community gets involved in politics, and which mode of involvement is mostly rampant within the NUL youth. The study was more determined to explore the diverse ways in which the youth find palatable and find it easy to indulge in as part of political participation process. It was also the goal of this research to identify the mode of political participation which majority of the youth at NUL preferred over others. It was of paramount importance to discern how meaningful and fruitful do educated Basotho youth consider politics to be. The study used questionnaires to gather information that would address the objectives of this research paper. It also involved interacting with the youth at the National University of Lesotho to explore their level of political participation. In this regard, their inclination in political events were identified and established. The youth are lacking in ministerial posts and the national assembly of Lesotho. Yet, it is common to hear people say that the youth are leaders of tomorrow. The aim of this research was to establish the level of political participation among the National University of Lesotho (NUL) youth. Data for this study was collected from 15 respondents through a questionnaire. The study found that that the youth participate less when it comes to voting in general elections and supporting political parties, especially when it comes to enrolling for their membership. On the contrary, the level of political participation among the youth at NUL was found to be high as measured using political activism. Despite their low level of political participation, it was established that the youth at NUL preferred to participate in politics through voting in general elections and buying political party products.
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