Electrofocusing and Isotachophoresis

eBook - Proceedings of the International Symposium, August 1-4,1976, Hamburg, Germany

Erschienen am 22.07.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
174,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783110873870
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 624 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Contributors -- Part I. Isoelectric Focusing -- 1. Theoretical and General Aspects -- Reminiscences about the Genesis of Isoelectric Focusing and Generalization of the Idea -- Stable pH Gradients - A Key Problem in Isoelectric Focusing -- Electrofocusing in Buffers: Formation of Natural pH Gradients, Flexibility, Gradient Stability, Relation to Isotachophoresis and Preparative Potential -- Comparison of pH Gradients Used for Isoelectric Focusing -- On the Temperature Dependence of Isoelectric Points of Proteins with Special Reference to Isoelectric Focusing -- 2. Carrier Ampholytes -- Carrier Ampholyte Distribution -- Characterization of Carrier Ampholytes by New Visualization Reactions and Chromatographic Methods -- Synthesis of Carrier Ampholytes for Isoelectric Focusing Containing Sulfonic and Phosphonic Acid Groups Covering a Wide pH Range -- 3. Analytical Methodology -- Staining of Proteins in Polyacrylamide Gels -- Isoelectric Focusing of Complex Protein Mixtures in the Nanogram Range and Enzyme Kinetics of Dehydrogenases Following IEF -- Soft Laser Scanning Densitometer Compatible with the High Resolution Obtained by Electrofocusing -- Immunocore Electrofocusing: A Separation and Detection Technique Amenable to Scanning Densitometry -- Rapid, Convenient and Economical Procedures for the Determination of the Isoelectric Spectra of Proteins -- A Simple Method of Choosing Optimum pH-Conditions for Electrophoresis -- pH Determinations in Isoelectric Focusing with an Iridium Electrode -- Anomalous Behaviour of Horseradish Peroxidase in Isoelectric Focusing -- Does Lipoprotein Lipase Bind Ampholytes? -- 4. Biochemical Applications -- Zein: Macromolecular Properties, Biosynthesis and Genetic Regulation -- Growth and Isoelectric Patterns of Peroxidase in Tobacco Tissue Cultures Under the Influence of Growth Regulator Systems -- A Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Several Genetic Loci in Mice After Electrofocusing -- Phylogenetic Differences in Isoelectric Components of Liver Acid Phosphatase and LDH Between Genera of Two Closely Related Rodent Families (Muridae and Microtidae) -- Fractionation of Nucleic Acids on Isoelectric Focusing -- 5. Clinical Applications -- Polyacrylamide Gel Isoelectric Focusing of Alpha-1-Proteinase Inhibitors (1 Pi) Phenotypes: I. Optimal Condition, Histochemical and Proteinase Probe Studies -- Polyacrylamide Gel Isoelectric Focusing (PAGIF) Applied to Alpha-1-Proteinase Inhibitor (1 Pi) Phenotyping: II. Immunochemical Procedures -- High Resolution Phenotyping of 1-Antitrypsins by Thin-Layer Polyacrylamide Electrofocusing -- Broad-Beta Disease (Hyperlipoproteinaemia Type III): Genetics, Gene Frequency and Diagnosis without Ultracentrifugation -- Screening for Abnormal Hemoglobins in the Newborn: A Highly Economic Procedure Using Isoelectric Focusing -- The Crystallins of the Aging Lens from Five Species Studies by Various Methods of Thin-Layer Isoelectric Focusing -- Separation of Erythrocyte Membrane Components in Electric Field. Polyacrylamide Gel Isoelectric Focusing: A Potential Method for the Diagnosis of Membrane Abnormality -- Microheterogeneity of Serum Glycoproteins as Revealed by Flat-Bed Gel Isoelectric Focusing -- Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) - Purification and Distinction Between CF Protein and Ciliary Dyskinesia Activity in CF and Asthmatic Sera Using Isoelectric Focusing and the Rabbit Tracheal Ciliary Bioassay -- Microheterogeneity of Human Kininogen, Alpha- 2-HS and Alpha-1-Acid Glycoproteins by Thin- Layer Isoelectric Focusing -- A Genetic Variant of Amylase from Human Parotid Saliva Detected by Isoelectric Focusing -- 6. Two-Dimensional Techniques -- Biological Applications of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis -- Plant Proteins Evaluated by Two-Dimensional Methods -- Two-Dimensional Separation of Lymphocyte Microsomal Membrane Proteins: Isoelectric Focusing Linked to SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis -- Mammalian Mitochondrial Ribosomes: Two- Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of the 55 S- and the Corresponding Subunit Proteins -- Crossed Immunoelectrofocusing for Standardization and Characterization of Fungal Antigens -- 7. Preparative Separations -- Isoelectric Focusing in Free Water -- Preparative Electrofocusing in Flat-Beds of Granulated Gel - Methodological Aspects -- Preparative Scale Purification of Bacterial Enzymes and Toxins by Isoelectric Focusing and Isotachophoresis -- Preparative Zone Convection Electrofocusing in Helical Glass Tubes -- Chromatofocusing: Isoelectric Focusing on Ion Exchangers in the Absence of an Externally Applied Potential -- 8. Separation of Cells -- New Instrumentation and Procedures for the Analysis of Mammalian Cells by Electrophoretic Techniques -- Continuous-Flow Isoelectric Focusing: Further Studies on Human Red Blood Cells and on the Separation of Rat Liver Light Mitochondrial Fraction -- Preparative Electrofocusing of Native and Modified Living Mammalian Cells in a Stationary Ficoll/ Sucrose Gradient -- Part II. Isotachophoresis -- 1. Analytical and Preparative Methodology -- The Principle of Preparative Capillary Isotachophoresis -- Preparative Capillary Isotachophoresis: Separation of g Amounts of Some Human Serum Proteins -- Quantitative Determination of Picomoles ADP by Means of Steady State Mixed Zones in Isotachophoresis -- Thin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gel Isotachophoresis, Crossed Immuno-Isotachophoresis and Crossed Isotachophoresis-Electrofocusing -- Isotachophoresis of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Proteins: Advantage of Prior Dialysis and its Practical Realization -- 2. Applications -- Plasma Protein Fractionation in Sephadex by Isotachophoresis Using Discrete Spacers -- Immuno-lsoelectric Focusing Analysis of Antibodies Fractionated by Isotachophoresis -- Analytical and Preparative Isotachophoresis in Column and Flat-Bed Gels for Fractionation of Antibodies -- Index -- Backmatter

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