In 1999, when we had our first daughter, I was contemplating how I would raise my new beautiful child, and I was thinking about how I can best educate her and my other children about values, morals, and other key thoughts about life. School offers education. Religion offers some values and morals. Parents offer most of it, sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally. So I created a Words To Live By (WTLB) book, like a dictionary, which lists concepts like honesty, love, persistence, etc. with a definition that I created, with my wifes input. I then turned it into a workbook with one word per page and space below for notes. For years we would discuss these ideas with my two daughters and they would draw pictures and make notes in the blank space. As they got older, they were less inclined to draw and more open to quotes and references from adults. I started sharing some of these quotes along with the Words To Live By with strangers and friends in a blog and in emails. I still try to send a different one out almost every Friday, hence where the title Frey Freyday came from. Initially these Words To Live By were designed to help only my daughters. During difficult times, I found that reflecting on these concepts brought value to me and they helped me stay focused. Later I shared them with both strangers and friends and they too found the Words To Live By helpful, inspirational and enjoyable. Some of them shared them with others and the circle kept growing, more good feedback came in, and people continue to encourage me. I am now sharing them with you. I live in the Laurel Highlands east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with my wife Jill and two daughters, Emma and Abby. We have a circle of great friends and family. We enjoy time with our loved ones and friends; the laughter and good times together makes life better.
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