Homespun Remedies provides creative, practical strategies for helping children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to function effectively at home and in the community.
Dion E. Betts and Nancy J. Patrick offer sensible and specific approaches to tackling day-to-day problems faced by parents and carers, such as bathing, feeding, haircuts, and shopping. The book is split into four parts, covering home life, community, hygiene, and schools and organizations, and common problem areas are listed alphabetically and supplemented with "homespun" tips and advice. The book is peppered with vignettes and stories of real-life situations and successes.
This accessible resource encourages parents and carers to think in autism - to take the perspective of an ASD child and work to make their environment a friendlier place. Homespun Remedies advocates small and simple changes that result in big improvements in the quality of life for children, their families and carers.
Dion E. Betts is a special education administrator, adjunct professor, writer, and presenter. He and his wife have five children, one of whom has AS. They live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Nancy J. Patrick is assistant professor of special education at Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania. She is an author, teacher, writer, and presenter. She lives near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with her husband and their three children, one of whom has a disability.
A note on the book. Introduction: What is So Special about Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders? 1. Home Life. Babysitters. Bees. Breastfeeding. Discipline. Dogs. Finances. Food. Friendships. Holidays. Marriage issues. Mealtimes. Morning and nighttime routines. Noise. Organization. Preferences. Respite care. Restaurants. Siblings and other relatives. Support groups. Talking about disabilities. Tantrums. Telephone skills. Textures and temperatures. Weather. 2. Hygiene. Bath time. Brushing teeth. Clothes. Grooming. Hair cuts. Nail clipping. Toilet training. 3. Community. Airplanes. Birthday parties. Car travel. Hotels and vacations. Play dates. Shopping. Shoe stores. Swimming pools. Visiting other families. 4. Medical. Dentist and doctor visits. Emergencies. Emergency phone calls. Immunizations. Medications. 5. Schools and Organizations Breaks. Bus rides. Clubs. Evaluations. Hobbies. Homework. Mental health agencies. Religious services. Report cards. School lunches. School team meetings. Sports: Hallie's story. Sports: John's story. Teacher assistants. Therapists. Valentine's Day. 6. Tools for Adapting the Environment for Success. Behavior plans. Choice boards. Direct instruction. First-then statement cards. Macro and micro schedules. Role-playing. Scripting. Symbol communication systems. Task analysis. Wait boxes. Conclusion. References.
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