Now in paperback, this volume examines this phenomenon, looking at examples from film, documentary, television, animation and games.
In recent years, many media producers, screenwriters, technicians and investors from the Asia-Pacific region have been attracted to projects in the People's Republic of China. The Chinese states willingness to consider collaboration with foreign partners is a major factor that is enticing and supporting a range of new ventures. Projects, often with a lighter commercial entertainment feel, compared with the propaganda-oriented content of the past, are multiplying. With this surge in production and the availability of resources and locations, creative talent is moving to the Mainland from South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.
Michael Keane is Professor of Chinese Media and Cultural Studies at Curtin University. He is Program Leader of the Digital China Lab.His key research interests are the digital transformation in China; East Asian cultural and media policy; and creative industries and cultural export strategies in China and East Asia. He is editor of theHandbook of Chinas Cultural and Creative Industries (2016), and author ofChinas Television Industry (2015),Creative Industries in China: Art, Design and Media (2013), andChinas New Creative Clusters: Governance, Human Capital and Regional Investment (2011).
Brian Yeciesis Associate Professor in Communication and Media at the University of Wollongong, where he researches on film, digital media, creative industries, innovation ecosystems, and cultural policy. He is the author ofKoreas Occupied Cinemas, 1893-1948(2011),The Changing Face of Korean Cinema, 1960-2015 (2016), andSouth Korea's Immersive Webtooniverse and the New Media Revolution (Rowman and Littlefield International, forthcoming) co-authored with Ae-Gyung Shim. He is also a chief investigator on two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects: Digital China: From Cultural Presence to Innovative Nation (2017-2019), and Mobile Korean Webtoons: Creative Innovation in a New Digital Economy (2018-2020).
Terry Flew is Professor of Communications and Creative Industries, and a Chief Investigator with the Digital Media Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. He is the author ofThe Creative Industries, Culture and Policy (2012),Global Creative Industries (2013),New Media: An Introduction (Oxford, 2014),Understanding Global Media (Palgrave, 2018) and co-author ofMedia Economics (2015). In 2019-20, he was President of the International Communication Association.
Acknowledgments / Introduction: Willing Collaborators, the Long Game,Michael Keane /1The New International Division of Cultural Labor, Global Media Studies, and the Cultural Rise of China,Terry Flew /2Collaborators, Mediators, and Processes: Film Co-production in China,Weiying Peng /3The New Geography of the Global Blockbuster: Wanda Scales Up,Michael Curtin /4The Will to Power: The BAT in and Beyond China,Michael Keane and Chunmeizi Su /5Two-Systems Differential: Informal Media and Decolonization in Hong Kong,Darrell William Davis /6Hong Kong Cinema: Reconnecting Its Southeast Asian Heritage,Peichi Chung /7Producing Nuanced Chinese Fantasy: A Case Study of StephenChow's Box Office HitMermaid, Hongchi Shiau and Brian Yecies /8ChinaJapan Crossover Comics: Localization, Re-localization, and Export,Anthony Fung /9Dreaming of Webtoons in China and the Next Korean Wave,Brian Yecies /10Japanese Cultural Adaptation, Formats, and Remaking in East Asia,Seiko Yasumoto /11Regionalizing Reality: The Rise of East Asian Collaborations in Television Production,Ju Oak Kim /12Localizing Korean Reality Shows in China: The Practice of Production and Censorship,Arjen Nauta /13Cross-Straits Online Collaboration : Multiple Publics and Intractable Institutions,Elaine Jing Zhao /14Pan-Asian Celebrity and Manufacturing Womens Desires on East Asian Screens Big and Small,Tania Lim /15Creative Migration: Talent and Celebrity Movements to the Chinese Mainland,Danjing Joy Zhang and Michael Keane / Bibliography / Index / About the Editors and Contributors
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