Morphology, Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Phosphatocopina (Crustacea) from the Upper Cambrian Orsten of Sweden

eBook - Fossils and Strata Monograph Series

Erschienen am 06.05.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
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ISBN/EAN: 9781444313062
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 236 S., 128.83 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


A detailed investigation of Phosphatocopina

Fossils and Strata, Number 49: Morphology, Ontogeny, and Phylogeny of the Phosphatocopina (Crustacea) from the Upper Cambrian Orsten of Sweden presents a detailed look at Phosphatocopina through the rigorous lens of modern scientific study. Fully examined here in study form, this monograph details methods, materials, systematics, phylogenetic analysis and more to bolster discussion and back analyses of comparative morphology. Extensive figures and photos clarify qualitative data, while detailed explanation of analysis methods provide a firm foundation for conclusions and future research.


Klaus-Robert Müller is a German physicist and computer scientist, most noted for his work in Machine Learning and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Dieter Waloszek is the author of Morphology, Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Phosphatocopina - Crustacea - from the Upper Cambrian Orsten of Sweden, published by Wiley.


Introduction 3

Orsten-type fossils 3

History of phosphatocopine research 3

Prior assumptions on the systematics of Phosphatocopina. 3

Soft parts and new perspectives about the phytogeny4

Scope and aims 4

Material and methods 4

Material 4

General information 4

Statistical data 5

Stratigraphy 6

Methods 7

Isolation of specimens (not done for this work) 7

Preparation for SEM 8

Measurements 8

Terminology 8

Systematics 10

Crustacea Brunnich, 1772 13

Phylogenetic analysis 13

Results 13

Hesslandona Milller, 1964. 15

Hesslandona abdominalis Hinz-Schallreuter, 1998 16

Hesslandona reichi Hinz-Schallreuter, 1993 16

Hesslandona unisulcata Milller, 1982. 16

Hesslandona necopina Milller, 1964. 58

Hesslandona kinnekullensis Muller, 1964 67

Hesslandona trituberculata (Lochman 8t Hu, 1960) Rushton, 1978 71

Hesslandona ventrospinata Grundel in Grundel 8c Buchholz, 1981 77

Hesslandona suecica n. sp 85

Hesslandona angustatan. sp 89

Hesslandona curvispina n. sp 93

Hesslandona toreborgensis n. sp 104

TrapezilitesHinz-Schallreuter, 1993 106

Trapezilites minimus (Kummerow, 1931) Hinz-Schallreuter, 1993 106

Waldoria Griindel in Griindel 8c Buchholz, 1981 113

Waldoria rotundata Griindel in Griindel 8c Buchholz, 1981. 115

Veldotron Grundel in Griindel 8c Buchholz, 1981 121

Veldotron bratteforsa (Muller, 1964) Hinz-Schallreuter, 1993 123

FalitesMuller, 1964 128

Falites fala Muller, 1964 131

Vestrogothia Muller, 1964 137

Vestrogothia spinata Muller, 1964 139

Discussion 145

Comparative morphology' 145

Phylogenetic analysis of Phosphatocopina 159

General remarks 159

Reconstructed phytogeny of Phosphatocopina 160

Phosphatocopina ("Phosphatocopida sp." + Euphosphatocopina new name 160

Phosphatocopida sp 165

Euphosphatocopina new taxon 165

Vestrogothia spinata 168

NN1 (Falites fala + Hesslandonina) 169

Falites fala 169

Hesslandonina (Cyclotronidae + Hesslandonidae) 170

Cyclotronidae (Veldotronbratteforsa +Cyclotron lapworthi) 171

Veldotron bratteforsa 171

Cyclotron lapworthi 172

Waldoria rotundata 172

Hesslandonidae (Trapezilites minimus +Hesslandona) 173

Trapezilites minimus 173

Hesslandona 174

Hesslandona unisulcata 174

Dorsospinata new taxon 174

NN3 (Hesslandona kinnekullensis+NN4) 175

Hesslandona kinnekullensis 175

NN4 (Hesslandona toreborgensis n. sp.,H. angustata n. sp. + H.suecican. sp.) 177

Hesslandona toreborgensis n. sp 177

Hesslandona suecica n. sp 177

Hesslandona angustata n. sp 178

NN5 (Hesslandona ventrospinata + NN6) 178

Hesslandona ventrospinata............... 179

NN6 (Hesslandona trituberculata + NN7) 179

Hesslandona trituberculata.................. .....179

NN7 (Hesslandona necopina+H. curvispina) 179

Hesslandona necopina 180

Hesslandona curvispina n. sp 180

Consequences of the proposed phytogeny of Phosphatocopina 180

Crustacean phytogeny 182

Ground pattern of Crustacea 182

The Ground pattern of Labrophora Siveter, Waloszek 8e Williams (2003) 185

Ground pattern of Phosphatocopina 190

Ground pattern of Eucrustacea 191

Conclusions 194

Future investigations and prospects 194

Acknowledgements 194

References 195

Appendix A - Data for the phylogenetic analysis 203

PAUP settings 203

List of all coded characters 203

Character matrix 206

Appendix B Synonymy of Phosphatocopine taxa 209

Possible Phosphatocopine taxa 209

Possible Phosphatocopines, described in open nomenclature 237

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