This book offers an ethical interpretation of theCritique of Pure Reasonby establishing the historical connection between the problematic of Temporality in the philosophies of Heidegger and Levinas on the one hand, and the ground-laying of metaphysics in the schematism of Kants critical philosophy on the other. Drawing on Levinass ethical critique of the Heideggerian problematic of Temporality together with his destructive proposal to carry out the deformalization of the Kantian notion of time in a manner consistent with Rosenzweigs philosophy, the book argues that this historical connection should be established at the point where Kant determines the ethical status of the schematism according to the regulative schemas of the ideas of pure reason, and not, as in Heideggers ontological destruction, at the point of his determination of the sensible schemas of the pure concepts of understanding alone.
Adonis Frangeskou obtained his PhD in Continental Philosophy at Staffordshire University, UK, where he also held a part-time teaching position. He is an executive member of The British Society for Phenomenology and is currently Visiting Lecturer in Social Theory at the University of the West of England, UK/Alexander College, Cyprus.
PART I: FROM KANT TO HEIDEGGER.- 1. The Ontological Destruction of the Schematism.- 2. Grounding Metaphysics in the Existential Temporality of Dasein.- PART II: FROM HEIDEGGER TO LEVINAS.- 3. Time, Temporality, and the Opening Up of Presence.- 4. From Presence to Absolute Presence: The Supreme Diachronism.- PART III: FROM LEVINAS TO KANT.- 5. Toward an Ethical Destruction of the Schematism.- 6. Grounding Metaphysics in the Diachronic Temporality of the Other.
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