A new way of thinking about treatment planning to support children with autism spectrum disorders
Grounded in solid theory,Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Individualized, Problem-Solving Approachhelps educators and therapists who work with children with autism spectrum disorders make sense of this confusing, often conflicting, and rapidly evolving clinical and research treatment landscape.
Rooted in evidence-based practices, Chedd and Levine provide a 7-step dynamic treatment planning process. The book shows how a variety of current interventions and treatments can be incorporated into this process and includes applications of different approaches for tackling different problems. The nine illustrative case vignettes cover a wide variety of ages, developmental challenges, learning and social profiles, and school and family circumstances.
With a firm commitment to and focus on the childs best interests as well as family needs and preferences,Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders offers professionals new possibilities for enhancing the quality of life for children with ASDs.
Naomi Chedd, LMHC, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and an Educational Consultant in private practice. She specializes in the behavioral, social/emotional, and mental health issues related to children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Prader-Willi Syndrome, and other developmental disabilities.
Karen Levine, PhD is a Licensed Psychologist and Instructor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She was co-founder and co-director of Boston Childrens Hospital's former Center for Autism and Related Disorders Clinic and worked in the field of developmental disabilities for twenty-five years. She is the 2012 recipient of thefirst Lesley University Austim Hero Award.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
About the Authors xvii
1 Introduction: Looking at Treatment Planning Through a Different Lens 1
Defining Best Practices 2
Media Overload 3
A New Way of Thinking about Autism Treatment 4
Core Deficits of Autism 5
How the Book is Organized 5
Case Studies 8
About the Appendices 10
2 What is Evidence Based Practice? 11
What is So Important About EBP? 12
Common Errors in Evaluating Treatments 12
Emotions Versus Logic 14
How Can Treatments be Evaluated? 16
History of Evidence Based Practice in Psychology 17
Brief History of EBP and Autism 18
Evolution and Expansion of EBP 20
EBP as it Pertains to Autism 22
The Evolution of Treatment Models and Terminology 24
Client Voice in What to Treat and How to Treat 27
What is Important to Study? What is Important to Treat? 32
The Role Context in Treatment Selection 34
Positive and Negative Policy Implications of uses of EBP in Autism Treatments 35
Conclusions and Recommendations 37
3 The Individualized, Problem-Solving Treatment Process 39
Treatment Process 39
4 Jamal: A Previously Happy Preschooler Disengages 71
5 Katherine: A Nine Year Old Learns to Cope with Hew Own Explosive Episodes 85
6 Brandon: Developmental Delays and OCD present a Big Challenge for a Non-verbal Preschooler 103
7 Rafael: A Happy, Well-Behaved 6-Year-Old Becomes Increasingly Rigid 119
8 Alex: Extreme Mood Dysregulation Interferes with School and Home Functioning for a Fourth Grader 139
9 Emily: A Passive Teenager Begins to Learn Self-Help Skills 157
10 Chen: A Teenager With Aspergers Hits Bottom, But With Help and Determination, Heads for College 173
11 Michael: A 10-Year-Old Whose Behaviors Are Becoming More Disruptive and Aggressive 189
12 Jake: A 5-Year-Old Who Has Responded Well to Floortime 207
Afterword 215
Appendix: Autism Treatment Approaches 221
References 229
Author Index 239
Subject Index 243
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