This books format follows an applications-oriented text and serves as a training tool for individuals in education and industry involved directly, or indirectly, with chemical reactors. It addresses both technical and calculational problems in this field. While this text can be complimented with texts on chemical kinetics and/or reactor design, it also stands alone as a self-teaching aid.
The first part serves as an introduction to the subject title and contains chapters dealing with history, process variables, basic operations, kinetic principles, and conversion variables. The second part of the book addresses traditional reactor analysis; chapter topics include batch, CSTRs, tubular flow reactors, plus a comparison of these classes of reactors. Part 3 keys on reactor applications that include non-ideal reactors: thermal effects, interpretation of kinetic data, and reactor design. The book concludes with other reactor topics; chapter titles include catalysis, catalytic reactors, other reactions and reactors, and ABET-related topics. An extensive Appendix is also included
LOUIS THEODORE, EngScD, is a retired professor of chemical engineering (50 years). He is the author of several Wiley publications, includingFluid Flow for the Practicing Chemical Engineer,Thermodynamics for the Practicing Engineer,Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer, andAir Pollution Control Equipment Calculations. Dr. Theodore is also a contributor toPerry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook.
Preface xi
Overview xiii
Part I. Introduction
1. History of Chemical Reactions 3
2. The Field of Chemistry 11
3. Process Variables 19
4. Kinetic Principles 45
5. Stoichiometry and Conversion Variables 73
Part II. Traditional Reactor Analysis
6. Reaction and Reactor Classification 111
7. The Conservation Laws 127
8. Batch Reactors 147
9. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs)181
10. Tubular Flow Reactors 209
11. Reactor Comparisons 243
Part III. Reactor Applications
12. Thermal Effects 273
13. Interpretation of Kinetic Data
14. Non-Ideal Reactors 357
15. Reactor Design Considerations 383
Part IV. Other Reactor Topics
16. Catalysts 413
17. Catalytic Reactions 429
18. Fluidized and Fixed Bed Reactors 445
19. Biochemical Reactors 475
20. Open-Ended Problems 505
21. Abet-Related Topic 519
Appendix. SI Units
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