He was designed to be the perfect man. And at first the experiment seemed a success. John Shaw - the product of secret government research into enhanced intelligence - was from birth far beyond anything human. Brilliant and charismatic, John could have been anything he wanted - except that which he longed for more than anything. To be normal.So John created Benjamin: an alternative persona, a way of coping with people who hated what they could not understand. He was everything that John wasn't - but now those very differences are killing him. Benjamin has become the dominant personality, more and more often in control. John's altered body has left his mind at risk - and unless he can discover the truth that will fuse both parts together, both he and Benjamin will die.Robert Charles Wilson spins one of his most stirring, tightly woven tales with The Divide. Reminiscent of Flowers for Algernon, it is at once an adventure story and a sensitive look at the consequences of man's actions - and of one man's quite literal search for himself.
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